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October 22, 2024, 02:30:44 PM

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Top Speeds
It's here, at last! After much too long I compiled a list of each vehicle's maximum speed, the point at which it cannot go faster no matter what. In case you didn't know, the figures listed in-game are wildly inaccurate. (Which gives me the idea of EDITING the figures, but that?s another story) Manual shifting was almost always used to achieve the best acceleration. The biggest problem was finding places to drive cars at high speed. I used 4 routes for the tests:

Top of tunnel bend to bottom of tunnel (countryside)
This was used primarily for slow vehicles with slow acceleration. Put them on a long steep grade, however, and presto! they have fast acceleration and reach their top speed.

Lay-by to New Ark (countryside)
This is a variation on tunnel to New Ark. I began at the bend with the signs because that is the furthest point at which the turn onto the main road can be made. Going back further makes the sign turn impossible because it's too sharp. A few vehicles that needed more length used this route.

Lay-by to Barn (countryside)
My primary route consisted of going straight until coming to the hill, slight turn, then left. The "left" turn onto another road is much straighter and slopes downward allowing for the best speed tests. The longest country route.

New Ark to China Town
A route I used often in the past. It is the largest stretch in the game. Open at Hoboken, accelerate at the top of the stadium. Turn left onto the 'hospital road' and speed to china town. Due to turns and slight variations in elevation this route was only workable for a few cars. So as to not confuse everyone I will use the developer's names. Also, if you do not see a model listed it is because that vehicle uses an engine identical to one that was tested. Examples Model B Coupe, Tudor, Masseur, Masseur Taxi. Some models literally cannot hit their top speed in the game. There is no route long or good enough to allow it. In those instances I listed the maximum possible top speed and noted that a higher speed was theoretically possible. These are labelled COM (Capable of more).

Silver Fletcher gets the "worst rating exceed" award. Until recently I thought this car held the dubious distinction of being the only car not able to reach it's listed game speed. It can exceed the rating it turns out, under insane and unrealistic conditions it can exceed it's listed top speed by 2 mph. There are a few others with similarly small gains. Trautenberg Racer actually has a 1mph gain but it's acceleration is much better so it's much easier to reach that point. Demoniac gets the "best rating exceed" award. This car is listed at 124mph and it can do at least 155mph. Another standard car that excels in this category is the Bruno, which can supposedly do 100mph but actually does 122mph.

The List
Car Name - Listed Top Speed - Actual Top Speed
Bolt Ace - 45 59
Bolt B - 58 70
Bolt V8 - 76 86
Schubert Six - 60 77
Schubert Extra Six - 80 99
Falconer - 72 89
Crusader - 86 101
Guardian Terraplane - 87 101
Thor 810 - 93 110
Thor 812 - 100 119
Lassiter Phaeton - 85 97
Lassiter Roadster - 93 109
Lassiter Fordor - 100 114
Lassiter Appolyon - 110 122
Ulver Airstream - 90 100
Wright - 95 114
Silver Fletcher - 115 117
Bruno - 100 122
Celeste - 105 122
Trautenberg J - 114 128
Trautenberg Racer - 138 139 COM
Brubaker - 140 152 COM
Caesar Mostro - 105 116 COM
Carrozella - 140 144 COM
Bolt Truck - 60 72
Corsair - 109 120
Bolt Thrower - 112 126
Hotrod - 156 160+
Black Dragon 4WD - 125 138
Mutagen 4WD - 125 138
Flamer - 130 145
Masseur - 122 129 COM
Demoniac - 124 155 COM
Crazy Horse - 156+ 160+
Bob Mylan 4WD - 109 123
Disorder - 128 142 COM
Speedee - 134 150 COM
Luciferion - 144 146 COM
Black Metal 4WD - 66 71
Flower Power - 115 118 COM
Flame Spear - 128 139

This article is made by d00d.

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