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October 22, 2024, 02:30:45 PM

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1. Kill Speedy Gonzalez Mission - Flower Power
This mission starts at a location just south of your house and can be seen from your front door. Take a fast car with you and run down Speedy Gonzalez. He's fast, if you dog him sometimes a street car will get him. He's easiest to run down on the Gulliano Bridge. There are quite a few ways to kill Speedy. You can block his doorway with a car and then shoot him. If you watch him he initially runs up the street and pauses at the corner. If you have the sniper rifle you can shoot him from a distance. You can also go around the block the opposite way and run him down while he stands on the corner.

2. Speed Explosive Truck Mission - Masseur Taxi
This mission starts in the parking lot where Paulie had his gun jam in the Morello assassination attempt. You must drive the truck loaded with explosives to a location in the Works Quarter. You have a limited time to attain 30mph and after that you have to keep it above 34mph or the truck will explode. Although there are many routes you can take I will give you the most direct possible route. Get in the truck and accelerate towards the East Marshall bridge. Turn on the speed limiter. Go over the bridge and then turn right (turn the speed limiter off before you go over the bridge and let the speed build to 50 mph, then when you are on the bridge turn it back on). Remember to make wide turns and not to hit anything. Next turn left and go west on the divided street. A block before you have to turn right and go north, turn the speed limiter off again. This is to carry enough speed while going over the West Marshall Bridge. When you're on the bridge turn the limiter back on. Take the 3rd left after the bridge and then the next right. You are going to a location just past the sheds that are west of the concrete mixing towers. This is one of the toughest missions to beat.

3. Sniper Mission - Manta Prototype
This mission involves a Manta Prototype that is parked on the front steps of a building in the center of downtown. There is a sniper rifle next to it and 3 enemy snipers who start shooting as soon as you take the mission. Run towards the cars right side jumping as you go. Pick up the rifle and head back towards the building, go around the left to the back of the building. You must jump when you're moving as the snipers are very good. Continue around the back of the building. As you do you will notice a sniper across the street from the drivers side of the Manta. He is up high on the building. Kill him and continue around the building. The second sniper is directly across the street from the front of the Manta halfway up the center of the building. The last sniper is across the street from the passenger side of the Manta. He is on the short black building by it's sign.

4. Vision Distortion Race Car Mission - Crazy Horse
You must drive a Trautenberg Racing from the start point in the alley west of Yellow Pete's, through a series of points to the finish location in front of the Police Station. This is a timed mission and your vision is distorted by speed. The trick is avoiding collisions and watching the map for your turns.

5. Bomb Defusing Mission - Bob Mylan 4WD
This mission starts in the easternmost area of Oak Hill. There is a black Thor 812 at the start point that can be used for the mission. The mission consists of defusing dynamite bombs in a limited amount of time. The first bomb is by the gate of the house behind the start point. The next bomb is in the middle of the traffic circle in Oakwood. Then on to Downtown to the bomb at the front door of the Church. Then go across the East Marshall Bridge to the bomb at the front door of the Gallery. The next bomb is across the West Marshall Bridge at the front door of the Railroad Station. The next bomb is at the front door of the Fire Service Pumping Station. The next bomb is at the top of the stairway inside Ralph's garage behind Saliere's Bar. Then go across the Terranova Bridge to the bomb at the front door of the armory. The last bomb is a very large one behind the building across from the Hoboken entrance to Oak Hill. You will spot the bonus car as you come up the street.

6. Race Car Exchange Mission - Caeser 8C Mostro
This timed mission starts at the Hoboken entrance to Oak Hill. You must exchange race cars onto transporters in a certain order. First take the Caeser 8C 2000 to the transporter located next to the Old Prison, exchange it for the Carozella C-Otto 4WD. Take the Carozella to the transporter located in the Harbor area close to the West Marshall Bridge. Exchange the Carozella for the Brubaker 4WD. Take the Brubaker back to the mission start point and put it on the transporter. You really have to hustle on this mission. It is also very tricky to get the smaller race cars on the transporters. Success unlocks the Caeser 80 Mostro and all the race cars from the racing mission in single player. This mission also seems to unlock the Trautenberg J. If you want to place the Brubaker somewhere in your Extreme Free Ride Home gamesave do not get out of the car when the mission ends. Once you get out of the car you can not drive it again.

7. Timed Explosive Truck Mission - Masseur
The start point for this mission is in a parking lot north of the Hoboken entrance to Oak Hill. You must drive the Truck that is loaded with explosives to a location in the Works Quarter. It is a timed mission, you really have to hustle and by all means be careful as a collision will result in the truck exploding. The best route is a follows, turn left, go to end of the street and turn left, go straight to the end and turn left. Make the right hand corner and follow the street over the Guilliano Bridge. Make the turns to go over the West Marshall Bridge. Go straight to the end of the street and then go left then right down the alley shortcut. Go straight out the alley and where the street ends go through the loose doors to the next alley shortcut (if you haven't knocked them down prior to this). Be careful in the dirt part of the alley. As you come to the end of the alley you will see the Massuer across the street on your right.

8. Gas Guzzling Trautenberg J Mission - Speedee 4WD
In this mission you have to drive a gas guzzling Trautenberg J from the start location in East Hoboken to the Fire Service Pumping Station. You must practice fuel management and stop at each gas station along the way to refuel. Keep gathering speed and then putting the car in neutral to coast. You can also use the down hill portions to gather some speed not using the gas. The first station is easy to get to. Go straight down the street you're pointed at and go through the area where there is no fence (there is a drop) and make a right on the main street that goes to the station. I generally give it enough gas to hit about 40mph and then pop it into neutral. Refuel at the first station. Go out of the station up the hill and make the first right. Remember to cut over the sidewalks and make wide gentle turns. you then make a left then a quick right, and then you're going down a slight down slope (if you've done this right you have hit the gas twice so far). Hit the gas again to make the left to the street to the bridge and coast to the bridge (by the way I generally do not let the car get below 10mph). Then you accelerate up the bridge and then coast down. You will carry a lot of speed down the bridge. As you are going down make a right by the parking lot and go left down the alley that goes under the el train. Go left then right to get to the gas station. Make a u-turn just past the gas station to come in the right way. Believe it or not I was doing the mission over for a new profile and forgot about the third gas station and made it from the second. It took me 4 tries and is close to impossible, I must have got lucky. Anyway, use the same tactics to get to the third station and then to the Fire Service Pumping Station.

9. Airplane Chase Mission - Demoniac
This mission starts from the small dirt road in easternmost Hoboken. You must drive a Celeste Marquee 500 that has a bomb in it. The bomb goes off if you get more than 200 meters from the airplane that is passing over. To win this mission it is essential to drive as fast as possible and be sure of where you are going. Take the road in front of you straight out until it ends and go left. Take this road over the Giuliano Bridge. Take the first right, then go left through the alley under the el train. Turn right and go through the Central Island Tunnel. Go straight down this road and as it turns left. Make the next right (it helps to cut the corner) and then it is a straight shot to the end.

10. Taxi Time Bomb Mission - Manta Prototype Taxi
This mission starts by the waterfront in New Ark. There are a number of Taxis with time bombs that are defused by dumping them in the water. It helps to set up for this mission before hand. Take a Thor (any model will do) and leave it next to the first Taxi. Steal another Thor and take it to the harbor on the South West of Central Island. Leave this Thor by the water. Steal another Thor and go over the West Marshall Bridge towards the Works Quarter. Take the first left and then the next left. As you go down this road you will see an alley that goes to the right. Go down the left side of the alley and leave the Thor just past where you can get out of the car. This leaves some room so you can drive the Taxi you will get past the Thor. OK, steal one more Thor and go back to the start point. Get into the taxi and drive it up to the water and leave it in neutral. Get into the Thor you left previously and knock it into the water. You will then be shown the location of the second Taxi. Go up the ramp, turn right, just before you go under the bridge turn down the alley and go East. The alley comes straight out onto the Road go East and make the fourth right. Go left just past the fence and you will see a large building project. The second taxi is on the East side of the Westernmost building. Take the Taxi back the same way you came. When you get to the ramp going down to the water, stop, put it in neutral and get out. It should go in the water on its own. Get into the Thor and go over the Giuliano Bridge to Central Island. Go down the road past the Theater, turn left and you will see the second Taxi in an alley on your left. Park on the sidewalk on the right side of the Taxi pointing towards the water. Get in the Taxi and move it by the water where the wall is lowest and leave it in neutral. Get back in the Thor and push the Taxi in the water. The fourth Taxi is on the South side of the State Capital. Take that taxi to the harbor where you left the Thor and dump it in the water. The fifth Taxi is in the Port of Lost Heaven parking lot. When you get there take the Taxi on the left (standing in front of them) the other Taxi does not have a bomb. Take the Taxi down to where you left the Thor and dump it in the water.

11. Invisible Man Mission - Bolt Thrower
This mission starts by Morello's Bar. It involves following an invisible man who is relatively difficult to see as he tries to escape. Although he can run a little faster than you he pauses frequently. The easiest place to lose him is as he gets on the elevated train. It is best to do this mission first if you are trying to save all the cars in the Extreme Free Ride Home gamesave. It seems that if the invisible man can see a dead body somewhere on the map he will stop moving at certain points.

12. Bridge Bombing Zeppelin Mission - Black Metal 4WD
This mission starts in front of the Hospital. You must drive the Bolt Ace across the Terranova Bridge to a location behind the first building on the right after the bridge. As you go under the Zeppelin it drops bombs on the bridge. One thing you must do is use the speed limiter as the vehicle cuts out if you go much above 40mph. This mission seems to involve a lot of luck. I've won by driving on the extreme left side of the bridge, but it took a few tries. Alternately you can push the vehicle across the bridge with another car before you start the mission, then use a faster sturdier car to drive to the car, get in and finish the mission. The Black Metal 4wd is bulletproof and is very good at ramming other vehicles. It is on the other hand very slow.

13. Carry the Box Mission - Hillbilly 5.1 FWD
This mission starts in the parking lot on the Central Island side of Giuliano Bridge. Perform some simple out of car tasks. Do not drop the box with the drop items key, use the action key. Dropping the box in the wrong place will fail the mission. The box goes in front of the other box, not on top or alongside by the wall. Watch for the exclamation point to appear, then you know you have the right location.

14. Flame Spear Circuit Mission - Flame Spear 4WD & Flamer
The Flame Spear 4WD is located in the same alley that you boosted the truck for the Cigar Mission. This involves following a timed course defined by magenta smoke pots. The mission ends at the south side of the Municpal Building. If you make it you also get the Flamer, a nice little Celeste based hotrod. As far as I can tell if you want to put the Flame Spear 4WD someplace in your Extreme Free Ride Home gamesave, do not get out of the car after you win the mission. You can not get back in the car after you exit. I put mine by a filling station as a display piece.

15. Exploding Car Mission - Disorder 4WD
In this mission you must drive the white Celeste from the start point by the westernmost parking lot in the Works Quarter to the parking lot on Central Island that was in the "Great Deal" mission. You must start out as fast as possible and maintain a great deal of speed to keep the explosions behind you. I did this by using the manual transmission and carefully planning a route with as wide of turns as possible. This is one of the hardest missions. I wish I could tell you how fast you actually have to go, but I was so busy driving I didn't have time to look. It's got to be close to 50. Mess up and lose your speed and it's all over.

16. Gangster Killing Mission - Black Dragon 4WD
This mission starts in the Works Quarter in front of the "agreed upon place" from the Cigar Heist Mission. Upon excepting the challenge dive for the Thompson machine gun in front of you and then proceed to kill about 8 gangsters placed strategically around the balconies of the yard and alley in this area.

17. UFO Chase Mission - Mutagen FWD
This mission starts at the "T" dead end in the center of the Works Quarter. You must follow a UFO. Drive over by the alien and the UFO will make it's first move. The UFO moves to a new location each time you go under it and then waits until you get under it again. It is easy to lose sight of the UFO however it makes a sound you can hear when you are close to it. It goes through Little Italy then to Central Island over the Central Island Tunnel. It crosses from Central Island to a point due west of the one way street by the Downtown Church. It goes straight over the Oakwood Church to the front of Oakwood Junior High School. It then goes to its last stop at the Lighthouse. You are given a large amount of time to complete the mission.

18. Telephone Mission - Luciferon FWD
This mission starts across the street from the location that you took your last passenger before being beat on by Morello's goons. Or as the passenger described it the car lot by the department store. You answer the telephone at the start point. As you get near a phone booth you can hear the phone ringing. You are then directed to a phone booth in Chinatown. It is in an alley off the east entrance to the square. The next phone booth is by the Central Island Tunnel exit on Central Island. Coming from Chinatown go through the tunnel and make the first right and then the next right, the phone booth will be on your right. The next phone is at the Central Island harbor. It is behind a building just south of where the paddle wheeler was tied up. The next phone booth is next to the north east building in the park by the Terranova bridge. The last phone booth is in the cemetery on the north side of the Oakwood Church. It is a VERY SMALL phone booth. You will hear it ringing, look down.

19. Sea Monster Mission - Hotrod
This mission starts in the north west corner of the square in Chinatown. You are given a SW Model 27 with six rounds of ammo. You must rescue a fair damsel chained to the rocks on the beach in south west Downtown before she is devoured by a sea monster. This location is where Paulie had his gun jam in the Morello assasination attempt. It helps to use a fast bonus car for this mission such as the Flamer as you are not given much time. Take the Terranova bridge and go past the armory, turn right and go south by the most direct route to the beach. When you get to the parking lot get out of the car and go left by way of the rocks to get above the fair damsel. Shoot off the lock to free her.

Secret Car
There is a secret car hidden in the southwest building of the building project west of Yellow Pete's. You will see it in your car radar when you are close to it. Just walk thru the large wooden door. Caution, take a look at this car from Extreme Free Ride as the effect that the car gives does not go away. You might not want to be this way for your Extreme Free Ride Home gamesave. I've been told the effect can be canceled by kneeling, but I haven't tried it yet.

Sinister Face Cave
There is a sinister face on the cliff next to the railroad tunnel in East Hoboken. If you get close to it you will notice the mouth opening seems to go back into the cliff for quite a distance. Being of a curious nature I took a Bolt Truck and ran backwards at full speed into the raised ground in front of the face. I then drove the truck under the mouth of the face. By climbing up the cliff next to the face I was able to jump on the truck and then climb into the mouth. It has very sharp teeth. A cave continues on behind the face for quite a distance. There is a small tunnel with timbers that goes off to the left and down from the cave. It ends at a non-textured door that can't be opened. The non-textured door can also be seen in the railway tunnel a short distance from the entrance.

Free Ride Unique Cars
While driving around in Free Ride (city daytime) I've found two unique vehicles. There is a red Bruno Speedster parked in an alley near the center of Central Island. There is a Bolt Truck with Atlantic Import markings parked on a loading dock in the south west corner of the Works Quarter.

While not unique there are some other cars parked at various locations:
- Silver Fletcher - By the Lighthouse keeper's house.
- Lassiter Appolyon - In the alley south east of the Hotel Corleone
- Lassiter V16 Roadster - On top of the parking structure next to the guy who had the white Celeste exploding car mission.

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