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Hello everyone! I introduce myself as an old user don_salierii from the old website and I am a graphics modder 3D, a specialist in editing monotonous and musical sounds. The rest know my name is Damian and I come from my country, Poland. From time to time I play Mafia 1 TCOLH and Mafia 2. I deal with music every day and I like to listen to music from various borders, like whatever catches my ear. My interests are my favorite hobbies: computer science, creating music and mixing music on a DJ, creating car models in another 3D program. I used to be involved in modifying car models 3D and converting cars from various games to MAFIA 1 TCOLH and I liked to do it when I had free time with more enthusiasm. I'm returning to the 3D modding team, so I decided that I will make conversions of car models for MAFIA and make my own car model designs in my own way, even when the desire arises. Of course I'm not joking, I'm just telling you that I will seriously pursue my interests, which is the icing on the cake.
The previous website, which I knew many people and I remember when there were a million views like in the old days and all the added additions to the Mafia 1 tcolh game, was then developed on a large scale. I was migrated from the old website to your new revamped website, but I had trouble logging in to your website and couldn't log in as it resulted in missing information (such as email and username password) so instead I had to compromise so that created a new user account. Password reset didn't help me at all. I just felt relieved that my account had been canceled, but mine didn't exist, because your database was probably on the verge of data loss. I'm sorry, dear gentlemen, that I created my own multi-account and I may get a frequent violation of the regulations, you can feel free to instruct me, so please forgive me for my mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone draws their own conclusions and bears the consequences.
I must admit that I can still feel the old atmosphere and good memories of spending time on this website and on the forum. You did a very good job and maintain a good standard, you maintain your website in the database on a daily basis. Keep it up, gentlemen!
Greetings from Poland,

Welcome! TCOLH? Wow! That is a throw back for sure!

Thank you for the kind words. When you get a chance, please DM me and let me know what problems you had with your old account. I might be able to get it fixed for you.

Of course, I come back to life like everyone else, they also other come back like a phoenix from the ashes. Many people have written about me and when I return to my job, I decided to come back and show off my designs of car models, especially conversions and modifications. My compatriots from Poland and abroad have written about when I will return, so I have the honor to do something in my work, because these rumors are buzzing from within and have spread all over the planet.

I wrote to you via DM with a request to transfer my name from the old "don_salierii" account to my "don_salierii988" account, so that you could make a small change to my username, but as you noticed that I wanted to change it under the same name and I couldn't figure out how do this. I only have a small problem with writing a private message to you because it doesn't want to be sent and an incorrect message appears, but I entered the verification code correctly, as you noticed, this problem still appears. Instead, I wrote via the contact form through the editorial office's correspondence.

Here's my screenshot as proof.:
Maybe it's high time to fix it. Or maybe I'm wrong?