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Topics - Joshua

Mafia General Discussion / What happened to Joe?
November 24, 2023, 04:08:01 AM
I saw an interesting video made by Mafia Game Videos about Joe.
Take a watch and let me know what you think. Is Joe still alive?

Site News & Info / Site Migration
November 14, 2023, 01:43:26 PM
Hello Mafia Scene,

Sorry for the down time the last few days. I have been working to transition the forum to something that most regular users of old Mafia Scene are comfortable with along with a style re-design to make it feel more like the site we've all come to love.

Some of the changes:
  • Front page re-design
  • Shop - users can buy, trade, sell items and display them on their profile
  • Game Room - users can buy a one month pass for 50 bank notes and have access to the game room for 30 days
  • Username Change - users can now change their forum username, but it will cost you!
  • Downloads - got the downloads section working (if you are a mod creator and want to host your file, please let me know)
  • Users can choose their native language - and have access to a native language board.

These are just some of the things I've been working on.
Hey Mafia Scene!

We wanted to give you a heads up that all Mafia games appear to be on sale at the time of this posting. If you're missing any of the trilogy, go check Steam to see if you can get a good buy.
Site News & Info / Site Update & User Purge
December 16, 2022, 06:57:35 AM
Site Updates
We wanted to apologize for the site downtime. We had to make some major updates to the website. In addition, we ran a check against a spam database for anyone with known spam email addresses. Users with a positive check were automatically purged. So, you may see topics with "Anonymous" topic topics/replies.

We are also in the process of rebuilding our downloads section. This is taking a little longer than expected because it is being coded manually and the files that we have must be sorted through manually. If you are a modder and wish to provide your mod to use, at this time please use our Contact Us link and provide the details of your mod so we can get it into our database.

As you might have noticed, Mafia Scene now uses social media login/register. Users have the option to use Steam or Discord at the time being. We decided to use these two because of the least amount of personal data they collect. Mafia Scene only collects a username and email address on account creation. If you already have an account here, you can use the login to reclaim the account as long as the social media account email address matches. In that case, you will be logged in. If you have changed the account and wish to reclaim your old account, please contact us using our contact form and we will follow up with you.
Mafia Scene News / Titanic Mod Update
December 04, 2020, 04:29:51 PM
Hello Mafia Scene!

We wanted to give you some update on one of the more popular mods for Mafia, Mr. Robville's Titanic mod.

Recently we reached out to Mr Robville about some updates and here is what he had to say:

QuoteI made quite a bit of progress this year. The first mission sequences leading up to departure of the ship are pretty much done now. I've also decided to release the mod in parts rather than as one big thing. Mainly to spark some more interest outside of the existing community, and to finally allow people to have their hands on it. A proper announcement will be made in the near future, and I hope to have this done before summer.

It all sounds very exciting! We are anxious to see more updates from Mr Robville in the future.

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Recently, we posted an article about the recent 1.04 patch that was pushed to the clients on Steam. We reached out the 2K support and we have the response we would like to share with you:

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Joshua D., Nov 24, 2020, 11:52 PST:

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Pleasure to make your acquaintance Admin,

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Our capo is pleased to hear that you are interested in such information.

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We appreciate you taking the time to contact us. Unfortunately Support does not have prior access to nor can distribute any patch information. Our capo created the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" class="rank-math-link" href="" target="_blank">Mafia: Definitive Edition General Discussion forum</a> to keep interested parties involved. Once information is available and you have been vetted, it will be posted.

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Make sure you stay in touch with your new family at <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">@2K</a> and <a rel="noreferrer noopener" class="rank-math-link" href="" target="_blank">@mafiagame</a>, you are one of us now.

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If you have any more questions, you may ask at your own risk!

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Joshua D.
2K Support

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Admin, Nov 24, 2020, 11:33 PST:

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Recently there was a 2.95GB patch update through Steam. However; our community has yet to receive any patch notes or indication as to what exactly was patched.

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I'm wondering if we can get any kind of insight so that we can properly inform our community of the changes.

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Obviously, one can tell right away this is a "generic" response although we do love how they play on the "Mafia talk" in the email. They direct us to their official forums. We did take a look at the posted topics, but were unable to find any relevant information from "Official Sources". Sadly, it seems like with Mafia II, 2K is just milking the franchise for money and doesn't really care about the community that support the series we've come to love.

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We'd love to hear from anyone who does have any "offical source" information about the recent patch or why they just refuse to update the community with patch notes.

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[See the full post at: Mafia Definitive Edition 1.04 Patch Updated Story]
Mafia Scene News / Mafia: Definitive Edition Steam Sale
November 26, 2020, 04:02:50 AM
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Hello Mafia Scene!

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First, we wanted to wish each and everyone of you a Happy Thanksgiving! We know that 2020 has been a very tough year due to the pandemic, but we do wish each and everyone of you well during this holiday season and remind you to stay safe.

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We noticed that Steam has it's Black Friday sale going on now and you can pick up your copy of Mafia Definitive Edition for 29.99 or the Trilogy for 44.99. It's a savings of 25%!

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You can also pick up a copy from Humble Bundle for 29.99 ... ve-edition

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From the 2K website:

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Mafia: Trilogy immerses you in the brutal world of organized crime across three eras of illicit activity in America, with Definitive Editions of all three crime dramas featuring gorgeous visuals and 4K support. Mafia: Trilogy includes this year's critically acclaimed Mafia: Definitive Edition, a faithfully reimagined remake of the beloved original that brings Tommy Angelo's story to life like never before.

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Below is a list of sales and discounts by platform. All three games in Mafia: Trilogy, including Mafia: Definitive Edition, are forwards-compatible for the new generation of consoles within the same console family, so you can enjoy them on your PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X/S. And if you're already living the life of a gangster, this is a great opportunity to welcome a loved one to the Mafia family as we head into the holiday season.

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PlayStation Store (SIE America / SIE Europe)

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Offer available now until November 30 at 11:59 PM PT (Americas) / 11:59 PM GMT (Europe)

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Microsoft Store

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Offer available now until December 4 at 1:59 AM PT

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Offer available from November 25 at 10:00 AM PT to December 1 at 10:00 AM PT

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Epic Games Store

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Offer available from November 26 at 8:00 AM PT to December 3 at 8:00 AM PT

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*Save 25% for a limited time terms: Offer available for Mafia: Trilogy and Mafia: Definitive Edition on PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, and Epic Games Store. Exact offer dates & discounts will vary by region and retailer & are subject to retailer's own terms. See retailer's site for specific details & terms. 2K Games is not responsible for the fulfillment of any retailer offer.

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[See the full post at: Mafia: Definitive Edition Steam Sale]
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If the cars in Mafia Definitive Edition are a little too slow for your taste, why not do yourself a favor and unlock the fastest car in the game - the Crazy Horse.
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With just a few minutes of your game-time, you can finish a side-mission in the Free Ride mode and unlock the fastest vehicle in the Mafia Definitive Edition, add it to your garage, from which you can select it later in the Story Mode of this game.

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You'll definitely be doing a lot of driving through Lost Heaven, and if you're already going to spend a lot of time behind the wheel, why not behind the wheel of the fastest car? 

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How are you going to do that? Follow the next few steps.

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For those focused on Main Story, they probably haven't even tried to play the Freeride mode. This mode offers not only free roam, as the name suggests, but also several interesting Side missions to complete.

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Each additional mission unlocks something, which can then be used in the campaign. Some missions unlock vehicles, some outfits, and some weapons.

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We will now focus on the first mission offered, that unlocks a car called the "Crazy Horse". This vehicle isn't just called a crazy horse, it really offers a crazy ride that jumps on a heavy gas, so you'll have to be a little light on the pedal. (RT / R2).

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Ok, the first step: go to Main Menu and enter the Free Ride mode, and enter the Salieri's bar. To begin the mission you must find Herbert Baskerville's letter, which is located on the pool table. Read it.

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After that, take the fastest vehicle you have and drive to the very west point of the Little Italy district, and find the payphone, as in the picture below. 

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Answer the ringing phone, where you will receive further instructions.

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A car will appear next to the phone booth and time will start ticking immediately after you hang up, so hurry up and enter the car. Follow the guideline on the mini-map.

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Your task is to drive the Crazy Horse car to Holbrook in less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds, and to make the situation more difficult, even the slightest contact with another vehicle will mean failure, and you will have to start over. 

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You have plenty of time, don't worry, you don't have to panic and start driving like maniac. The car is very fast and much more explosive than the rest of the cars in the game.

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Slowly add gas on the clearings, and remember to brake before entering the curves. Avoid any vehicles on the road. Do not worry, there are no cops in this mission, so you can drive above the speed limit.

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When you arrive at your destination successfully, Crazy Horse car will unlock, and it will be available in your garage, from where you can select it, change the color of the interior, and drive in a campaign or Free Ride mode. 

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The characteristics of the vehicle are maxed out, which guarantees a lot of fun driving.

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Original Source: ... v823z6k4mi

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[See the full post at: How to unlock the fastest car in Mafia: Definitive Edition?]
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This guide will help you solve an issue with the bug that locks the game to a 60hz refresh-rate on a 144hz screen even after you disable the V-Sync in the display settings.
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Mafia Definitive Edition is a remake of the original Mafia game from 2002, and it is a gorgeous-looking game. As soon as you start (re)playing this masterpiece, you'll be amazed by the wonderful graphics upgrade of the 2020 remake.

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But, as with many PC games, it's not without some issues. 

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The first and probably the biggest one that will get in your way is the V-Sync issue. Apparently, the game locks into 60hz mode even if you disable the V-Sync in the Full-screen mode. 

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There is no Refresh rate option, just the Screen mode, V-Sync, etc. If you have a G-Sync or FreeSync compatible monitor with a 144hz refresh rate, you'll most certainly want to disable the V-Sync and play with the highest frame rates possible. 

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So, what you have to do is this:

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  • Go to your desktop and Right-click on the Mafia Definitive Edition icon (.exe) 
  • then click on the Compatibility tab, 
  • then click to enable the "Disable the full-screen optimization" option.
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That's it.

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If the shortcut is not on a desktop, you can find it in the Steam folder: Steamapps, common, Mafia Definitive Edition. 

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If the "Full-screen optimization" does not solve it you can try with this:

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Open Nvidia control panel > Manage 3D Settings > program Settings > find Mafia Definitive Edition there or add it by yourself > then scroll down to refresh-rate and set to "Highest".

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You can also set the game to Borderless (Full-screen Off, Window Borders Off) mode and you'll solve the issue this way too, but for some gamers, the Windowed Borderless mode is not an option.

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Go to the game and make sure you are using these settings:

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  • Full-screen mode On
  • Borderless Off
  • V-Sync Off
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This should help your display to achieve 60+ fps and you can enjoy this remake of the classic crime drama in the smoothest way possible.

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Original Source: ... tEx2n4B6aa

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[See the full post at: Mafia: Definitive Edition - How to fix 60hz lock on a 144hz monitor]
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Mafia Definitive Edition Update 1.04: Mafia Definitive Edition New Update Is Out and Mafia Definitive Edition, an action-adventure video game by Hangar 13 is the remake of the video game Mafia. Mafia Definitive Edition was released on 25th September, 2020 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Mafia Definitive Edition Update 1.04 is out after the launch of the game. Aren't you curious to know about the Mafia Definitive Edition Update 1.04 and what it has in store for you? Let's find out here about Mafia Definitive Edition Update 1.04.

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Update: 11/24/2020 - We have reached out to 2K support asking for some patch note insights. We hope to hear back from them soon. When we do we will update this article.

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Mafia Definitive Edition Patch Notes - What we know
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-Story Mode for Tommy Angelo with back story
When we get the official patch notes, we will be making an update here.

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We did find a video with some highlights.

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[See the full post at: Mafia: Definitive Edition Update 1.04 Details]
Site News & Info / Downloads Overview
August 05, 2020, 05:23:54 PM
Hello Mafia Scene!
We wanted to give you a little information about our new downloads section.
Our download section will have the standard categories. Mafia I, Mafia II, Mafia III.

From here, the categories will be further broken down into sub-categories. We haven't decided on all those sub-categories yet so please send us your feedback about what you'd like to see!

Traditional download sections allow the user to upload a file, set a description and that is all. With our new download section the modder can choose if they want to support the file or not. If he/she chooses it to be supported, a link will be created in our forums that will be the "official" support forum for that file. In the event that the modder wants to discontinue support the simply need to let our staff know and we can lock that support link and mark the file as "unsupported".

This is just one of the ways we plan to help our modding community. We know that coding a mod is an arduous task and takes many hours and late night hair pulling sessions. We hope that this will allow our modders to get excited about their work and to release quality updates.

In addition, we will be adding a rating system on those files. If a mod gets too many negative ratings with supporting feedback, then the file can be removed from the system. We want to maintain the quality of the files hosted here and with that, any abandoned files shall be removed as well.

We invite your feedback and if you are a Mafia modder an are interested in hosting your mod here, please contact us using our forums.
Site News & Info / Modders Wanted!
November 03, 2020, 03:32:37 AM
Since we are in the process of rebuilding our download section, we are interested in hearing from the Mafia game modders.

If you are a modder of any of the Mafia games, we are interested hosting your files here at Mafia Scene. Our #1 goal has always been to support our modding community.

Any of our files that have "No Support Available" are open to be supported by modders. If you're interested in supporting one of the files that we host, please do let us know so we can create a support topic with you as the author. This also goes for the original mod owner. If you are the owner of one of our files, please let us know so we can give the proper credit. The files that are being uploaded are files that I found in our old database that one of our old members uploaded in his free time.

If you're interested in hosting your mod at Mafia Scene, please get in touch with us at our "Contact Us" link or hit up @Joshua
Can you believe it has been 15 years since the first Mafia title came out? Well, maybe you can once you see the graphics, but the point is that 2K and Hanger 13 are celebrating this anniversary.

A special trailer was released to announce that to celebrate the game's 15 years of crime and violence, all 3 games will be available through Steam as part of a bundle.

The Mafia Triple Pack is 65% off, making it so that players can pick up the $84.97 bundle for a flat $30. Not too bad for three games if you are looking to get into the franchise for the first time or replay some old favorites.

Although, if a bundle doesn't interest you, you can pick up II and III on the cheap thanks to some hefty discounting. Mafia II is currently 75% off, bringing its price down to $7.45. Meanwhile Mafia III is 60%, making it $15.99. The first title in the franchise, however, doesn't have a discount unless it is purchased as part of the anniversary bundle.

The first Mafia title is only playable through Windows. Mafia II and III, however, are available for download on PC and Mac.

Mafia III is also available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but not as part of this deal.

You can watch the anniversary trailer below, which is a retelling of the franchise's history through the perspective of FBI Agent Jonathan Maguire.

Mafia Scene News / Mafia Voice Actor Teases Mafia 3
January 09, 2015, 03:02:15 AM
From Gamespot



Fans of the Mafia crime action series from 2K Games may not have much longer to wait to learn about the next installment in the franchise. Voice actor Rick Pasqualone, who playedMafia II protagonist Vito Scaletta in the 2010 game, teases on Twitter that a new Mafia game may be announced soon.


"Might have some Mafia news very soon," he said to one fan. To another, who bluntly said, "make Mafia 3," Pasqualone replied: "Might

have some exciting news very soon."






A third Mafia game has been rumored since March 2012, when an anonymous source said the game had entered full production. Later that year, another report said Mafia III was in development at 2K Czech for Xbox Oneand PlayStation 4, and wasgoing to be a launch title for those platforms. However, the game reportedly suffered from production issues, and those plans were apparently scuttled.

Then in January 2014, 2K Games closed 2K Czech's main office, sending some developers to a satellite studio in Brno and others to 2K's main headquarters in Novato, California.

If Mafia III is in development, it is unclear which studio would be leading development on the game. One possibility is 2K's newest studio,Hangar 13, which opened in December 2014. The developer, led by Star Wars veteran Haden Blackman, is working on atop-secret game that uses proprietary tech, though little else is known about the project.


2K Games parent company Take-Two Interactive said in March 2013 that it has an "extensive pipeline" of unannounced games in development. Could Mafia III be one of those titles? We may not have to wait much longer to find out.




Interesting news for all of us Mafia fans! What do you think it means? Let us know!
Mafia Scene News / Mafia III Listed on Play Asia Website
December 25, 2014, 08:48:30 PM
Some rather interesting news:





Massive online retailer Play-Asia has caused a bit of a gaming stir by listing Mafia III for release on both PS4 and Xbox One.



The listing adds further fuel to the fire that one of 2K Games' latest studios, Hangar 13 – fronted by famed Star Wars developer Haden Blackman – will be working on a sequel to the well-received Wise Guy-orientated franchise.


The news comes after a flurry of games having been leaked due to premature listings on various retailing sites – most notably that of Resident Evil Revelations2. The description in the listing itself borrows heavily from the website's Mafia II, leading to the presumption that it's just placeholder. Still, time will tell.


While still strictly unconfirmed – we'd hazard a guess that there's a little more substance to this than initially presumed.


Would you fancy delving into Mafia III? Let us know in the comments section below.





[align=center:2cea37y6]http][/img]  [url=/uploads/screenshots/m3xboxone.jpg]http][/img][/align:2cea37y6]


Mafia Scene News / eXistenZ34's Free Ride 4.0 Videos
December 21, 2014, 09:13:44 PM
Well, seems that one of our favorite modders eXistenZ34 has some interesting video's of his Free Ride 4.0.

Be sure to check out his post!
Help & Feedback / Site Feedback
July 13, 2011, 02:08:47 AM
Hello all! Welcome to the suggestions forum. Here we are open to any and all feedback regarding our site. If you feel like we are missing certain features, let us know. A community of people is only as good as the input everyone provides. This is our online home, and we want it to be as comfortable as possible for you!Regards,Mafia Scene Admin Team
Mafia II mods / Mafia II LUA scripts
July 13, 2011, 03:51:26 AM
I remember the old site had a page for a list of all the LUA script commands. We def. need to make a page for reference for everyone.
Mafia Scene News / Modders Corner Launching!
August 02, 2011, 05:29:55 AM
General, Off Topic / Drunk Billy
September 14, 2011, 02:49:19 AM
Thought some of you might get a kick out of this Family Guy clip